Meal prep services

So, you work hard, you often get home late and the last thing you feel like doing is cooking something.  Isn’t it just much easier to get someone to deliver good meal prep services to you so you don’t have to worry about it? Sounds like a great idea – so we thought we’d review four of the finest.  There isn’t too much science behind this!  We chose a few meal prep companies that people recommended and thought about them

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Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

To figure out if a tomato is a fruit or vegetable, you need to know what makes a fruit a fruit, and a vegetable a vegetable.  The key question for this is: DOES IT HAVE SEEDS? If the answer is yes, then technically, (botanically speaking that is) you have a FRUIT. This therefore makes your tomato a fruit. But then it also makes cucumbers, squash, green beans and pumpkins fruits as well. Along with the fruit from a plant or tree,

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Welcome to Weightless10!

Welcome to our new App!  So here we go!  Our first blog. I guess I should start with some background.  I have struggled with being over-weight all my life.  I have read all the books, tried all the diets, done all the exercise fads (at one point my mom even started mailing me 90’s workout DVDs).  But without fail, within a few months of finishing I would end up being heavier than I was when I started.  There always seemed to

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